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Gospel- Character desings

Yeah, i do it. =w=

I worked on a new desings from my gospel character.

Left are the bad characters and right the goods.

Old nuns:
They are Rose, Sophie and Olivia. They were the teacher from Elaine, Jasmin and Fynn. They learned all from them.
Rose, Sophie and Olivia died for years ago since Elaine was still a child. 

Elaine, Jasmin and Fynn:

Elaine is the youngest of the group. As a child she was really shy and blundering. 
Jasmin was alert and curious, and fynn was still serious. The both cared for Elaine. 

Jasmin is a freaky typ and she tries cheer up Elaine everyday.
Fynn looks manly and hard but she trend the guardian role.

The nuns are Exorcists in actual fact. They´re only masquerading as nuns.


Maxim is a orphan. He lives in a childrenhouse. Elaine visits often the house and play with the children. Elaine is like a Mother for Maxim.
But Maxim is sick and dies since he became 9 years old. 


Lysanne is the housekeeper of the nuns. Elaine give her a chance for a new and better life. 

Dark site:

Trey and Cleon </b>

They both are the children of Lucifer. Trey is the older of both and a really cool Type and resembles his Father. Cleon is the still Type and introspectet all.


They are Kobra (Kay), Jean, Grace, Balea, Scarlet and Rahul  ...( I have forgot to draw the latest archangel. =w="" )

Kobra is the boss and the strongest of all. Scarlet is the lowest.


He is the best friend of Kobra.

Best friend of Trey. Nobu plays the drums in the Band of Trey.
In his human form, he looks like a 15 years old boy, he is slight and little.

She is a Robot and worked for Lucifer and his Family. The most time she hangs out with Trey and Cleon. 


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Mew Ichigo

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for now enjoy a little fanart from my first anime ever - Tokyo Mew Mew ♥


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